Personal favorites

  • "My Cell Phone Rings in A Minor" - exploring the science of perfect pitch.
    Extras: Listen to related story podcast; watch a short video.

  • Q&A with Brother Guy Consolmagno, S.J., who talks about doing science because he believes in God, and why religion needs science to protect it from literal creationism.

  • "Almost Immortal" - a look at Stowers' first-in-kind planaria core facility and some of the science inspired by these simple invertebrates.

  • "A Curious Mind" - HHMI profile of scientist Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado.

  • A discussion with Stowers investigator Kausik Si about studying Drosophila to better understand long-term memory formation and storage.

  • "The Aging Brain" - a new approach to unraveling the mystery of Alzheimer's.

  • A discussion with Stowers investigator Peter Baumann about his research, which straddles telomere biology alongside asexual reproduction in whiptail lizards.

  • My Favorite Enemy - a graduate student promotes peace through music.

  • "Once Upon a Time" - looking back at how Dartmouth women have been forging a place in medicine and science.

  • Building a world-class liver bank at KU Medical Center. 

  • "Killing the Queen" - probing the deadly ways of cancer stem cells.


Cancer research


Basic science




Pharmaceutical drug discovery/development, Bioinformatics


Broader human interest


Press releases (most are not bylined, according to institutional policy)


Meeting summaries

  • Arnold and Mabel Beckman Initiative for Macular Research: 2009 task group summary - developing a plan for both short- and long-term stem cell products with the ultimate goal of improving vision of those with atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

  • The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative: 2008 task group summary - "Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Biological Aging: The Roles of Nature, Nurture and Chance in the Maintenance of Human Healthspan."


Peer-reviewed publications